If you don’t have a pet and are considering getting a pet it would be best to choose an animal that requires minimal upkeep. A fish or the like would probably be the best option for people with asthma, but if the homeowner simply can’t resist investing in a feline or canine try looking for one the is already house-trained and that sheds little to none. A good place to start looking could be a rescue animal center or the pound. A female pet is recommended above a male because male cats and dogs tend to have a habit of marking their territory within the home which can cause odors and stains in sofas and carpet to become worse. If pollen can travel thousands of miles it can most definitely infiltrate a house. Pollen makes its way into a home several ways: clothes, pets, and air circulation. It is impossible to keep your house 100% pollen free, especially during the seasons when pollen levels peak. However, a large percentage of pollen can be stopped from entering the home by simple keeping all windows and entryways of the home shut as much as possible.